Monday, March 7, 2011

God is GREAT!

Our women's conference was awesome and amazing. "Women Working the Word".

Our speakers were just absolutely wonderful. Even though they didn't know each other, their sermons totally meshed. It was a very busy, awesome weekend.

One Pastor in particular, Pastor Ericka Sanders from North Carolina. Pastor Ericka is this tiny, beautiful woman, but what a powerful voice for God. I asked her to pray over me, and I could feel the Holy Spirit in my gut. I felt such a connection to her. I think I'm going to send her a card. Both Kevin and I just loved her so much.

I am so grateful for what God is doing in our lives! Thank you God! Thank you for the changes in my husband. He's done a complete 180.. at times I just can't believe it. He is totally on fire for the Lord, it is amazing. I am in complete awe. I love the change in myself too. I am starting to feel such joy and happiness. I don't want to feel negative any longer. I want to feel happy about myself and my life. I don't want to hinder my blessings ever again. I want blessings to persue me and overtake me. I am trusting in God. I feel so happy when my son tells me his prayer, "God is great".. its so adorable. Our whole family is building Kingdom relationships at church.. and I'm finding some at work too. I'm even learning how to rebuild relationships with my family and old friends. I am feeling so excited about how God is using my family for his Kingdom. I just love where my church is going and I know that one day soon, we will be able to be employed full time with church.

I ran on Friday: 1 minute walk, 2 minute jog for the first 20.. then 1 walk, 1 run for another 14. It was SO hard, but its getting easier. I can't wait until I can run for 30 minutes straight.

I wasn't on track with eating, really, but I barely had much time to think about it. I will be better this week, thank you God! I'm sort of on a plateau right now, but that is fine with me. I'm still down 21 pounds and that is better than where I was in December. Praise you God! Also, my clothes are barely hanging on, so I know I've lost a lot of inches. I am so thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really moving weekend! So glad you enjoyed it and got so much out of it!
