Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Its been 2 weeks..

As you can imagine, not updating for 2 weeks means = bad eating/little exercise.

I did work out last Tuesday and Wednesday and we've been walking around the neighborhood, between the rain.

I'm back on track as of yesterday. Weekends seem to be really difficult for me. Hubby was sick all weekend, and the kid and I ate out a bunch.

Yesterday, I did really well and ate within my points (despite two donuts that made their way into my mouth). Had some really good haddock for dinner..

A friend told me she was teaching body pump at my gym, so I came to her class.. burned 350 calories in an hour and then came home and walked the dogs for an additional 200 calories. Alex

Today, at lunch, I'm heading over to do Uppercuts/Rock bottoms. Woohoo!

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