Saturday, December 31, 2011


I say goodbye to a crappy year! I welcome 2012 and here is to new friends! Friends who care and want me to succeed and want me to be happy.

Here is a great article:

I especially like number 1:
Stop spending time with the wrong people. – Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot. Never, ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth. And remember, it’s not the people that stand by your side when you’re at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you’re at your worst that are your true friends.

Damn right! So glad that at the end of this year I made some new friends, rekindled friendships with people I didn't think were my friends and got rid of old baggage that kept me down. Sometimes, you don't realize that a relationship with someone is over.. sometimes that decision gets made for you, and though it hurts and it sucks, once you get through the pain, you realize that it was about damn time!

I was thinking about that yesterday when I ran. I actually ran, no shin splints, no negativity. My friend Sara is great, she really keeps me encouraged. I am so happy we met and I talked to her about running! Positivity is definitely something I need in my life.

Today was a good workout. Took a friend out and started the Couch to 5k program with her, week 1. I was really proud that she did it. It just is extremely hard to run! I was so happy that I barely broke a sweat or felt winded when we did our jogging!!

After that, Alex had tae kwon do and then I did yoga for 90 minutes. I always forget how much I love yoga, and how it stretches out my back and neck better than a masseuse. Burned about 800 calories today working out.

food today:
L:split pea and ham soup, homemade
banana, small piece of pineapple.
D: Going to the japanese steakhouse with my family. Not sure what I will have yet.

Friday, December 30, 2011

jogged today!

Getting myself together today.
Got a great workout in with my workout buddy!

I have been working out lately, but not posting, but I'm back to diet/exercise posting along with all my journaling.


B: banana, 90
S: tangerine, 40
L: steak fajitas, no tortilla. I had just the meat/veggies, but with fresh guac.. Probably 500 for the meal, but 200 for the guac
s: split a protein shake with my w/o buddy, about 150..
D: some split pea and ham soup

Did 60 minutes on the treadmill, and I was proud that I jogged almost the last 25 minutes barely slowing down/stopping, YAY!!! Then we did a crossfit workout for 25 more minutes.
I was so afraid I was going to puke!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Soul Searching..

I've had to do some real soul searching the past few months.. and its been so difficult. I've just been so sad and bummed.. and then to be treated bad by someone who was supposed to be my friend.. I've just had it! So glad to see 2011 go.. its not been a great year.

Trying to get all the holiday junk foods out of my system and back on my workout plan.. I've been really struggling the past few months.. Sad over my Grandfather.. sad over things that haven't ever been.. just sad and mad in general.. I'm over fake people and the bullshit personal problems people have and the crap people project onto you.. and I'm tired of being sad and mad. I have been working out, but not eating very well, and I know that is a huge part of it.

So, I'm back with posting my calories and gym work. My goal is about 1500 cals a day, and some activity.

We had a great Christmas, and Alex got a kinect from his Auntie, and that thing is pretty fun!